Tree for a tree
When you use OurMeeting, you use less paper. That’s great of course, but it’s not immediately visible. You can’t really say, “Look, there’s that tree I saved. Isn’t it nice?”
This is why we go further than saving trees. With our tree-for-a-tree-project we support the planting of new trees. Cacao trees, to be precise.

We do this in collaboration with Norandino, a local farmers cooperative in the North of Peru. The famers substitute their rice fields (that emit a lot of methane) for cocoa plantations, a far less harmful crop. This switch is expensive, which is why the farmers need support. The tree-for-a-tree project gives them a helping hand.
The cacao from this project is processed by ChocolateMakers in Amsterdam and made into the most delicious chocolate bars. This is how we contribute towards sustainability, support poor local farmers to improve their economic situation and help create artisan chocolate of the best possible quality.

Join us!
We invite OurMeeting customers to join us by planting trees based on, for instance, the number of trees they are saving thanks to paperless meeting. Want to know more about this wonderful project? Send us the form at the top of the page.