Our DocWolves team is composed of highly motivated people who maintain and develop OurMeeting, thereby improving the decision-making process by helping people to make the switch to paperless meeting.
Most are working behind the scenes, but we would like you to meet the people you talk to on the phone, meet at business fairs and events or come to visit you,

Rens Groeneveld
Rens Groeneveld is our CEO and visonary leader. He often attends business fairs, events and presentations, and he guides customers through the orientation process.

Chris Bevelander
Chris Bevelander is our CFO & COO and is in that capacity responsible for the daily operation of the company. He visits customers often and assists with the implementation.

Herman Koning
Herman Koning has the answers to all your questions (about OurMeeting that is.) He mans the helpdesk.

Raquel Torres
Raquel Torres (yes, she was indeed born in Spain) takes care of the certification ISO 27001 and the ISAE 3000 report.

Monique Arensman
Monique Arensman is our rock. She guards the planning and project development.

Rob Bosveld
Rob Bosveld is marketer. You can meet him on business fairs and presentations.