Security first
Digital security and privacy are becoming increasingly more important. They are also coming increasingly more under attack. Because our customers work with confidential documents, security and privacy have been our priority from day one.
DocWolves, the developer of OurMeeting, has a ISO 27001 certification. In addition, we have a third-party review on our software in compliance with the ISO 27002 standard. Read more about our certification.
We have very strict in-house guidelines with regard to handeling confidential customer data. [read more]
Binairy Encryption, a pincode feature or availability time limits are only a few examples of the extensive number of document security features we have available to ensure your information is safe. [read more]
Needless to say, there is a daily, fully redundant backup procedure, but there is more. [read more]
Read more about the measures we take to support you in case of calamities. [read more]